Chief's Blog

Live Your truth

Live Your Truth, Grow Your Self-Worth

April 24, 20232 min read

Living a happy life is everyone’s goal. Who doesn’t want to feel good about themselves? And yet so many of us live a life of self-doubt, feeling undeserving or incapable, or wishing we were walking another path.

However, living a happy life, and being a happy person is a matter of how you perceive yourself and your place in the world. You can “think yourself happy” by taking action, being honest about yourself, and your patterns of thinking, and being open to your capacity to change.  Self-knowledge is the key to living a happy life. And that means living your truth, not other people’s truth, or what society tells you is your truth.

Socrates famously said that the unexamined life is not worth living. An ongoing process of self-analysis and self-examination leading to greater understanding and self-knowledge is also the basis for most of the world’s religions and belief systems for a good reason. If you don’t know who you are, you're not your true self in the world. If this is the case, you’re living a passive life, reacting to whatever comes along instead of taking control. Living unconsciously like this is living half asleep, and if you’re half asleep, you can’t be your best you.

Living an authentic life does not mean going off the grid. It does mean a daily practice of being honest about how you’re feeling and why, and reminding yourself that you are in control of how you feel. It means being clear about what your values and beliefs are – what “rules” you live your life by.  Are your values yours, or have you absorbed them from other people in your life? Do they still fit with the life you want to lead?

Five Steps to Living a More Authentic Life

1.     Be clear about how you want your life to be right now and where you want to go. Understand and live by your values and beliefs.

2.     Be aware of yourself and how you react and interact with other people, situations, events, and the world.

3.     Set and maintain conscious boundaries. Be clear in your mind and be at peace with what you can and can’t control.

4.     Be okay with imperfection in yourself and others. Be objective about your weaknesses so that you can improve upon them without letting them get you down.

5.     Be kind and forgiving to yourself and others.

Living your truth means taking responsibility for your life and building a deep self-knowledge that will ultimately lead to contentment and happiness.

Pat Turner is a retired chief fire officer.  He proudly served for thirty years with the Santa Clara Fire Department in California. He advanced through the ranks to achieve the rank of Training Chief. He spent a considerable amount of time supervising the daily activities of Bravo Battalion and he successfully commanded a significant number of greater alarm fires during his career.

Chief Turner maintains certification as an instructor through the State Fire Marshal’s Office of Education. He trains prospective fire officers in areas involving instruction, command, investigation and others.

He has successfully completed an intensive upper level course of study and practical application of skills to earn his certification as a Master Instructor. He has taught many officer groups throughout the state.

He graduated with honors from the Fire Technology program at Mission College in Santa Clara, CA.

Chief Pat Turner

Pat Turner is a retired chief fire officer. He proudly served for thirty years with the Santa Clara Fire Department in California. He advanced through the ranks to achieve the rank of Training Chief. He spent a considerable amount of time supervising the daily activities of Bravo Battalion and he successfully commanded a significant number of greater alarm fires during his career. Chief Turner maintains certification as an instructor through the State Fire Marshal’s Office of Education. He trains prospective fire officers in areas involving instruction, command, investigation and others. He has successfully completed an intensive upper level course of study and practical application of skills to earn his certification as a Master Instructor. He has taught many officer groups throughout the state. He graduated with honors from the Fire Technology program at Mission College in Santa Clara, CA.

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