FREE eBook Resources - NO Obligation

From Applicant To Firefighter

A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Started

An awesome FREE eBook packed with 34 pages of prime information that supports and guides the prospective entry-level firefighter candidate.

From inception to the pinning of your firefighter badge, this eBook is filled with need-to-know information to keep you on track throughout the process.

The application process for entry-level firefighter positions can be competitive and challenging, but with the right preparation and mindset learned from this eBook, you can increase your chances of success.

Pick it up today free of charge with no obligation.

Blazing Trails

A Guide For Female Entry-Level Firefighters

An awesome FREE eBook packed with 57 pages of prime information that supports and guides the prospective female entry-level firefighter candidate.

From inception to the pinning of your firefighter badge, this eBook is filled with need-to-know information to keep you on track throughout the process.

This eBook also provides the reader with an awesome course outlining the journeys of several women firefighters who have persevered, met the challenges head on, and have been successful in earning their firefighter badge.

Pick it up today free of charge with no obligation.

FREE Preview Products - NO Obligation

The Firefighter Badge

A Guide to Exam Preparation

This is a condensed version of the course "The Firefighter Badge".

Pick up this free course sample that shows the first few lessons as they are laid out in the full-featured course.

Everything is an exact duplicate of the course, thus allowing the reader to visualize the layout as well as the various portions of each lesson.

Pick it up today free of charge with no obligation.

Women Firefighters

A Look Behind the Scenes

This is a condensed version of the course "Women Firefighters".

Pick up this free course sample that shows the first few lessons as they are laid out in the full-featured course.

Everything is an exact duplicate of the course, thus allowing the reader to visualize the layout as well as the various portions of each lesson.

Pick it up today free of charge with no obligation.

Discover the Best Version of You

Become All That You Can Be

This is a condensed version of the course "Discover the Best Version of You".

Pick up this free course sample that shows the first few lessons as they are laid out in the full-featured course.

Everything is an exact duplicate of the course, thus allowing the reader to visualize the layout as well as the various portions of each lesson.

Pick it up today free of charge with no obligation.

Focal Point

Clear Away Common Productivity Distractions

This is a condensed version of the course "Focal Point".

Pick up this free course sample that shows the first few lessons as they are laid out in the full-featured course.

Everything is an exact duplicate of the course, thus allowing the reader to visualize the layout as well as the various portions of each lesson.

Pick it up today free of charge with no obligation.

Oral Board Theory

Surviving the Examination

This is a condensed version of the course "Oral Board Theory".

Pick up this free course sample that shows the first few lessons as they are laid out in the full-featured course.

Everything is an exact duplicate of the course, thus allowing the reader to visualize the layout as well as the various portions of each lesson.

Pick it up today free of charge with no obligation.

Personal Success

With Highly Charged Goals

This is a condensed version of the course "Personal Success".

Pick up this free course sample that shows the first few lessons as they are laid out in the full-featured course.

Everything is an exact duplicate of the course, thus allowing the reader to visualize the layout as well as the various portions of each lesson.

Pick it up today free of charge with no obligation.

FULL-FEATURED Entry-Level Firefighter Exam Prep Courses

The full-featured course online for one easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two equal payments.

The Firefighter Badge

A Guide to Exam Preparation

This is the foundational course in my series.

The information offered in this introductory course enables the prospective entry-level firefighter candidate to lay the necessary groundwork to build on utilizing the subsequent courses in this series.

Get started today with timely topics such as negotiating the long road
to your badge, your education, how you are identified, defining your attributes, your active involvement, your goals, who's testing and the application process.

Choose from the options below to get started on the path to a fulfilling career as a professional firefighter.

The full-featured course online for one easy payment.

The full-featured course online for one easy payment.

Oral Board Theory

Surviving The Examination

If you're active in the firefighter entry-level exam process, you'll want to take this course to be totally prepared for your oral board examination. This course covers valuable and important information about the following:

The purpose of the oral board

Your preparation

Your actions on interview day

Three important key questions

General information questions

The why, what and when questions

Behavioral questions

Goal setting questions

Advice on how to close the interview
You'll be totally prepared to dazzle the interview panel after completing this information-packed course.

Get started today. Pick one of the options below.

The full-featured course online for one easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two equal payments.

Your Resume

How to Make It Shine

This is the third course in my “Earning Your Badge” series.

If you’re active in the firefighter entry-level exam process, you’ll want to get this course to prepare for your exam.

This book takes a look at the various types and styles of resumes.
It explains how to construct each style, and outlines the positives and negatives of using them.

In order to look good to prospective employers your resume must be appealing and accessible.

This book helps you choose the layout and appearance that feels right for the job you seek in the fire service.

The author, Chief Pat Turner, retired after thirty years as a professional firefighter and has taught the last twenty years as a lead instructor in the Fire Technology program at Mission College.

Choose an option below and get started today.

The full-featured course online for one easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two equal payments.

The Physical Ability Exam

How to Get Ready

This is the fourth course in my curriculum.

Learn what the Physical Ability exam is really all about, how to get ready and what kind of physical training is necessary to do well.

We take a look at the most popular physical ability exam events that you may encounter when you test.

There’s a description of each event as well as a point-by-point breakdown of how the events are usually presented.

There’s also a list of websites that have illustrated exercises for you to use in preparation for an exam.

This is a must for any serious entry-level firefighter candidate.

The full-featured course online for one easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two equal payments.

Got Your Badge

Now What?

This course defines the role of the new firefighter as they go on the line after graduation.

We’ll examine the required duties and character traits such as:

Your First Duty Assignment

Your Responsibilities

Your Daily Routine

Your Study Time vs Crew Interaction Time

Checking Your Attitude at the Door

Personal Growth

Physical Fitness

Driver Training

Working at Emergencies

If you’re a prospective firefighter, and want to learn what the life of a firefighter is all about, then this course is a must.

The full-featured course online for one easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two equal payments.

Women Firefighters

A Look Behind the Scenes

Welcome to the sixth course in my curriculum.

In this course we’ll examine the road that women have traveled to find their niche in the fire service.

At times this journey has been wrought with disappointment and rejection. Until the early 1800’s, firefighting was considered a man’s job, and women only “supported their men” while they served. The woman’s place was thought to be in the home where they were responsible for taking care of the cooking, cleaning and nurturing of the children.

Over time, they progressed to a status that allowed them to work feverishly on a hand pumper.

Not only have these women equaled their male counterparts, but they’ve gone on to earn valued leadership positions in their respective departments.

Explore this course for an understanding of what their journey has been like.

Self Improvement Courses

The full-featured course online for one easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two equal payments.

Facing Your Obstacles

With Confidence

In this course, you’ll find tricks, tools, and techniques to make you a formidable force against any obstacle that tries to stop you from reaching your goals.

You’ll learn how to overcome fears and failures.

You’ll discover proven strategies to get through hopeless circumstances.

And you’ll find out how to maintain your enthusiasm for your goals – despite adversity – until you achieve what you set out to do.

At the end of the course, you get to put your lessons to work on your own challenges as you write your own success story – a detailed vision of you in the future, living the life you’ve always dreamed of!

The full-featured course online for one easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two equal payments.

Discover the Best Version of You

Become All That You Can Be

Discover the best version of yourself and transform your life so that you are no longer an actor in your life. Choose to live the life that was made for you.

In this course, you will be challenged to commit to exploring yourself, trying to be aware of your behaviors, and being honest with yourself. This course is for you, and no one other than yourself can know who you are.

The true self can only be found when we choose to remove the mask that we’ve been wearing for a long time. That mask comes with behaviors and wounds that only time and hard work can heal.

Being the best version of yourself is not an objective that we can reach overnight. As a human being, we first must accept that we aren’t perfect, and perfection will never be our truth. As you have learned from this course, being the best version of yourself is not about perfection but more about finding your true self.

With commitment, vulnerability, and curiosity, you will be able to be the best version of you and put away the mask that you’ve worn for much too long. Are you ready to claim your power?

The full-featured course online for one easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two equal payments.

Discover Your Potential

Capture Your Capabilities

If you’re looking to discover your full potential, you might be wondering; what are the first steps you can take to attract all the desires you have into your life.
If you‘ve been stuck in a dead-end job or other life ruts, discovering your full potential now is more important than ever before.

Potential is different for every unique individual. You’ll need to define what potential looks like for you, as it might be different for you than for other people in your life. If your process looks different than the other people around you, try not to put too much thought into it or compare yourself to others. Unlocking your full potential is a personal journey that shouldn’t be compared to the others around you.

When starting your journey, you’ll first need to figure out what your ideal self is. Without identifying your ideal self, you won’t be able to define your potential or your desires that need to be fulfilled. Your ideal self is the best version of you in every situation.

This course goes through all the steps you’ll need to take to attract all your desires. If you’re ready now to get started, and you know you’re in the right place to discover your full potential, start studying this full course today.

The full-featured course online for one easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two equal payments.

Optimize Your Time

For Maximum Efficiency

Time management skills are essential if you want to accomplish any task. Whether you want to improve your health, enhance your career, or complete short-term goals, you can't do so successfully without managing your time.

Do you have many goals but don't know how to reach them?
Most people who struggle to find time to accomplish their goals feel overwhelmingly busy when they shouldn't.

Procrastination is the biggest factor that gets in the way of great time management skills. People don't want to do things that aren't exciting, and you need to complete mundane tasks to accomplish bigger goals. Good time management skills mean you must also know how long it takes to complete daily tasks.

This course teaches the student how to prioritize and perform utilizing time management to impact and meet their goals.

The full-featured course online for one easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two equal payments.

Discovering Life's Balance

Find Your Inner Strength and Happiness

This course takes a look at all the different aspects that you need to balance together to create happiness. From balancing work to help with your career, balancing your family and time with loved ones, balancing relationships, working on your health and wellness, and even finding ways to balance in your hobbies, you will be able to find peace as you work through them one by one.

But how do you choose which one you're supposed to work on first? That only happens when you know what matters the most. This is going to be different for everyone who goes through this course. Only when you are truly aware of the things that are the most important to you, the things that you value the most, will you be able to make big changes in your life to find the right balance.

With the help of this course, and some of the simple steps inside, you will be able to improve your life and create all of the balance that you need.

Personal Success Courses

The full-featured course online for one easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two equal payments.

Fresh Start to Success

Turn Those Failures and Mistakes into Successes

There’s probably nothing more crushing than failing after you’ve given your all,

your everything, to a project, a business, a relationship, or to life, in general. Just the thought of being rejected, of being declined, of failing, is a depressing thought.

All the hours you’ve spent building up your strength, your knowledge, or your finances, all will have been for nothing. And it hurts, it truly does. But it’s not the end of the world, you know.

In this course you’ll learn inspiring stories of modern-day heroes who’ve stepped up from the very bottom and risen to the pinnacle of success, power, and fame.

This course is meant to inspire you, and let you know that making mistakes and failing, no matter how catastrophic it may seem now, is not reason enough to give up.

The full-featured course online for one easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two equal payments.

Personal Success

With Highly Charged Goals

Deciding to set goals is one of the most important things we can do to improve our lives. However, less than 3% of people take the time to set clear goals for themselves in their life.

It's essential for us to think about where we want to be, whether it's in one month, one year, or one decade from today.

This course will help you set goals that will inspire you and make you want to leap out of bed every morning. You might be intimidated about setting goals at first, but you’ll soon discover that the journey is more than worth it in the long run.

Pick up this new release today.

Productivity Courses

The full-featured course online for one easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two equal payments.


On A Personal Level

Being productive isn't about accomplishing more, but instead, it is about investing your time and attention in a strategic way to add value to your life, career, and relationships. One thing that you may fail to consider is the reason and motivation that drives you.

Often, your desire to be productive is based on a belief that it is what society expects from you or because you think that you are being overloaded with a workload that you don't feel you can handle.

You might feel the desire to be more productive to impress your coworkers or to seem like you are busy. While these reasons are valid, they are all external reasons. Other external reasons may include material things, money, or fame.

While money can be a legitimate motivator for many people, it is essential for you to consider whether or not there is something else that is driving you.

The full-featured course online for one easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two equal payments.

Focal Point

Clear Away Common Productivity Distractions

This course deals with how to use technology productively.

Whenever you read or watch anything about improving focus, one of the first tips you will hear is to turn off your phone, devices, and other technology.

Although technology certainly can be a huge distraction, there are ways that you can use it productively. In fact, certain technologies are designed to aid in productivity.

It seems like a waste to ignore these technologies wholeheartedly.

You just have to know how to use the technology.

Director's Series Development Video Courses

The Benefits of Hiring Veterans

Volume One

Matthew Thompson, when discussing the hiring of military veterans, once said, “Veterans understand loyalty, and they understand integrity. You can trust them to do the right thing, even when no one else is watching”.

And Randall Stevenson tells us, “We hire military veterans because they make great employees. They bring proven technical and leadership skills, they understand teamwork, and they are adaptable.

Bottom line, hiring veterans is good for business. The fact that vets bring enormous value to the table is well known, but employers would do well to understand exactly why these individuals can help their business and exactly how to find them, recruit them and effectively benefit from their presence.

In this presentation, we’ll show you how to do exactly that.

The full-featured presentation online for one

easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two

equal payments.


Career Growth

Volume Two

Jim Rohn once said, “Income seldom exceeds personal development”, and John Maxwell tells us, “Growth is the great separator between those who succeed and those who don’t”.

And it’s true. No one reaches the top unless they’ve developed themselves personally and professionally.

If you want to climb the corporate ladder, or take your organization to new heights, you must always be bettering yourself, both in how to stay on top of professional development in our busy lives, and how to incorporate growth into our daily routines.

In this presentation we’re going to show you how to do exactly that.

The full-featured presentation online for one

easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two

equal payments.


Workable Goals

Volume Three

When speaking of goals, Jim Rohn once said, “There’s no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them.”

And Zig Zigler tell us, “A goal properly set is halfway reached.” And they’re right. Nothing propels us forward like having an attractive goal set out before us. That’s true for both individuals as well as for organizations.

Having that image in our mind of a future state or a milestone gives us the motivation we need to stay focused, productive, and effective.

And, on an organizational level, goals give us the clarity that keeps everyone on the same page and gives your team members a clear sense of mission. But how do we implement goal setting most effectively? How do we approach this in a way that gives us the highest chance of actually achieving our goals, both in our organizations and in our personal lives?

In this presentation, we’re going to show you how to do exactly that.

The full-featured presentation online for one

easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two

equal payments.

The full-featured presentation online for one

easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two

equal payments.

Manage Your Time Effectively

Volume Four

Jim Rohn once said, “Time is more valuable than money; you can get more money, but you cannot get more time”.

And… it’s true. It’s the most valuable asset we have at our disposal.

Every hour in our work can translate to dollars spent, dollars gained, or dollars wasted. Our abilities to produce, to profit, to grow and scale are all dependent on our ability to manage and dominate time.

But how can we truly take command of this golden asset? How can we ensure we’re making the absolute best use of the minutes and hours in both our businesses and in our personal lives?

In this presentation, we’re going to show you how to do exactly that.

The full-featured presentation online for one

easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two

equal payments.

Planning For A

Strategic Outcome

Volume Five

Alan Lakein once said, “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now”. And Brian Tracy tells us, “A clear vision backed by definite plans gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power”.

Most people would agree that strategic planning is an essential part of any business or organization’s success. It makes people proactive rather than reactive.

It gives everyone a clear sense of direction. And yet, too often, it’s done ineffectively or even forgotten altogether.

There’s no telling how much potential economic success has gone unrealized due to a failure to take planning seriously. So, how do we ensure strategic planning remains a part of our organization?

How can we best give this crucial aspect of our business the attention it deserves? And how do we make sure we’re not only doing it but doing it right?

In this presentation, we’re going to teach you how to do exactly that.

The full-featured presentation online for one

easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two

equal payments.

Meaningful Productivity

Volume Six

Ben Franklin once said, “Time is money, waste it now; pay for it later”. And it’s true, right?

Even as an individual, if you’re bleeding minutes, you’re bleeding dollars.

But in an organization made up of many people, the effect is exponentially greater. The cumulative amount of time being wasted or lost to distraction, procrastination or slow, unmotivated work could be eating away tens, or ever hundreds of thousands of dollars from your bottom line.

So, how can you cultivate a positive work ethic and maximize productivity in your business?

Well, that’s exactly what we’re going to show you in this presentation.

Effective Communication

Volume Seven

Lee Iacoca once said, “You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere”.

Communication is the key of a successful organization.

Everything rests upon it. Leadership, management, teamwork, customer service, sales; all of these things depend upon the ability to communicate effectively.

But how can you teach, cultivate and encourage these skills within your organization?

And how can you leverage it to take your business performance to the next level?

In this presentation, we’re going to show you how to do exactly that.

The full-featured presentation online for one

easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two

equal payments.

Project Management

Volume Eight

Jeff Rees once said, “Project management is like juggling three balls; time, cost and quality”. And it’s true.

Project management requires you to balance a lot of difficult variables, and mistakes are high. In many cases, the very life of a business itself may depend on the ability of its project managers to keep operations running smoothly and efficiently.

Project management can be described as the art of initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria by a specified time.

But how can you ensure that you, or the project managers in your organization, are operating at peak performance?

In this presentation, we’re going to help you do exactly that.

The full-featured presentation online for one

easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two

equal payments.

The full-featured presentation online for one

easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two

equal payments.

Dealing With Conflict

Volume Nine

Vanden Flannigan once said, “The better able team members are to engage, speak, listen, hear, interpret and respond constructively, the more likely their teams are to leverage conflict rather than be leveled by it”.

And Dale Carnegie reminds us, “When dealing with people, remember you’re not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion”.

Handling conflicts in the workplace can be an intimidating and unattractive prospect, but handling them badly, or not handling them at all, is sure to make things even worse.

Conflicts, whether they involve you or whether they’re among other members of your team, can seriously damage your organization’s climate if not dealt with right away.

And how do we properly resolve conflicts and disputes in a way that minimizes dissatisfaction from both parties, and positively impacts our organization.

In this presentation, we’re going to teach you how to do exactly that.

The full-featured presentation online for one

easy payment.

The full-featured course online for two

equal payments.

The Progressive Career Pathway

Volume Ten

James Bryant Conant once said, “Behold the turtle; he only makes progress when he sticks his neck out”.

And Dennis Waitley tells us, “Happy people plan actions, they don’t plan results”. And it’s true.

Career progression won’t come to those who dream big about their future pay grade and all the things they’ll buy with their imaginary success, but content themselves with maintaining the status quo in their workday.

It comes to those who are proactively and deliberately planning out their career moves, and carefully following through.

What does our individual game plan for climbing the corporate ladder actually look like?

But, how do we take positive control of progression in our careers?

In this presentation, we’ll show you how to do exactly that.

The Crimson Video Series

Video Marketing

Performance, consumption, and appeal of video marketing is often easier to produce.

Discover the various video marketing channels, including Facebook, YouTube and a host of others.

Discover paid video marketing in YouTube ads, Google Display Network and Facebook ads.

Learn all about video styles, tools, and a battle plan.

Email Marketing

Introduction to email marketing.

Learn the core definition of marketing by

Why do you need it, and what is
the ROI for email marketing?

Learn about
the comparative opt-in rates and consumer preferences.

Single Video Training Courses

A Lonely Road


This is a single video that addresses the often lonely road that the prospective entry-level firefighter candidate must travel in their quest for a badge and career.

Getting Started


This is a single video that addresses the subject of your education in and out of the classroom, as well as getting involved in the testing process as soon as possible.

Know Who You Are


This is a single video that addresses the personality, work ethic, and professionalism that is required in the capacity of a firefighter.

Positives and Negatives


This is a single video that addresses the impact of the positive and negative attributes possessed by the prospective entry-level candidate.

PDF Files and eBook Courses

Motivational Bites


Excellent tips on communication, listening, and being a good conversationalist. Learn to be truthful and transparent and how accountability, transparency, self-definition, and truthfulness merge as one.

365 Days of Motivation


Overcome the struggles that come along with what life has to offer.

This document will let you in on some of the most inspirational tips that will help you fire up each day of your year!

5 Ways to Become a More Positive Thinker


Positive thinkers tend to possess the mindset that their plans are going to work out, no matter what challenges they might face.

Don’t give up hope that your plans will work out.

7 Secrets to Achieving Personal Freedom


Everyone has the right to achieve personal freedom, but the sad truth is that not everyone is going to get it. In one form or another, we’re enslaved by our jobs, our finances, our health, our family, and many other reasons.

Ironclad Motivation


In this book, you will learn to fish. You will learn to dig deeper than ever before, whether it is to complete a workout, write the next great American novel, or create your own business. Once you can commit yourself 100% to a given task, who knows what you can accomplish?

Overcome Procrastination


If you have ever found yourself wondering why you haven’t reached the success that you want for yourself, or why your life isn’t how you imagined it, the problem just might lie in procrastination and putting things off.

Stand Tall Against

Imposter Syndrome


Imposter syndrome is a big deal for a lot of people. Imposter syndrome is something that can cause someone to feel like they do not belong somewhere and that others are going to start to notice that they do not belong there at all.


On Steroids


What exactly is motivation? It is a rather slippery term that seems to have a different definition depending upon who you ask, but if you look at psychology, it is pared down to the simple definition of the force that drives us to act.

Embrace Your Life


If you look at achievers and those who failed to “get there,” you would see the former with a unique mindset.

This is what sets them apart from the rest as they have a positive outlook in life and a unique path set out for them as they take on life’s journey.

Discover How to Breathe Life Into Your Dreams $5.00

Dreaming is not for cowards.

It’s not for those who can’t even find the courage to leave their comfort zones behind.

But, you’re not one of them.
You’re considering this guide because you want to change your life for the better.

Journaling for Success


  • When we establish a daily foundation, we give ourselves a checkpoint. We give ourselves a place to come back to each and every day, to reset how we want to think about life, how we want to think about our goals, and what we plan to achieve.

Thinking Outside The Box


When we are fully engaged and intentional in our goals, we aren’t just floundering around.

Thinking outside the box is about taking control of your life.

It’s where you gain clarity and direction.

Mental Toughness


In the face of life's challenges and adversities, mental toughness and resilience emerge as indispensable qualities.

These traits enable individuals to endure and overcome obstacles, setbacks and hardships.

Embrace Your Success


Learn the steps that will put you on the road to success. Time is of the essence, so you'll want to begin as soon as possible if you want to reach your end results and achieve your goals.

Learn to achieve more in a shorter time.

A Life Without Compromise


Setting the stage for personal growth through accepting past choices.

Strategies for making better future choices.

Developing mindfulness and intuition.

The Fearless Mindset


The Fearless Mindset: Overcoming Self-Doubt to Live Boldly.

Self-doubt is an invisible thief, quietly robbing you of confidence, opportunities and the ability to live boldly.

Seven Acceptance Strategies

Parts one, two and three work in tandem to address change, personal growth, defeating self-doubt and criticism, understanding the power of acceptance and experiencing self-acceptance.